Special order, extended delivery required, normally 2-3 weeks from ordering. Please call in advance to check availability
140x P9 60-80cm common holly | 1442 |
105x 30-40cm rb common holly | 1615.95 |
59x 80-100cm corylus avellana | 143.13 |
73x 80-100cm craetagus monogyna | 151.36 |
50x 80-100cm acer campestre | 132 |
20x br bush rosa canina | 108 |
35x 90-120cm ligustrum | 142.8 |
delvery 5x standard boxes/dedicated del'if timing fits | 100 |
dunk all bare roots 1hr | 25 |
spray go faster roots solution to everything | 50 |
supply 2L of ready to spray go faster roots for use at planting | 25 |
sub total | 3935.24 |
card payment charge | 78.7 |
4013.94 | |
vat | at checkout |
total | at checkout |
5th box included at checkout