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Specimen size items iro 20-45yrs old
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Outdoor bonsai(mostly large)
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Sculptured torchieres, podiums & newels
Featured Products
Pinus greggii, Gregg's pine 2nd yr seedling
Pinus greggii, Gregg's pine 2nd yr seedling
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Pinus montezumae 25-35cm from seed, please call the office, 4-5yrs
Pinus montezumae 25-35cm from seed, please call the office, 4-5yrs
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Pinus parviflora arakawa, rough bark Japanese white pine 15L 70-80cm EXACT ITEM OFFER
Pinus parviflora arakawa, rough bark Japanese white pine 15L 70-80cm EXACT ITEM OFFER
Pinus parviflora arakawa, rough bark Japanese white pine 10L 62x52cm
Pinus parviflora arakawa, rough bark Japanese white pine 10L 62x52cm
Quercus coccinea, scarlet oak, P9 10-15cm X30no.please contact the office
Quercus coccinea, scarlet oak, P9 10-15cm X30no.please contact the office
Juniperus chinensis blue alps 5L 60-70cm
Juniperus chinensis blue alps 5L 60-70cm
Microbiota decussata 2.5L 20-25cm x10no.
Microbiota decussata 2.5L 20-25cm x10no.
Pinus banksiana, Jack pine 5L 90-110cm
Pinus banksiana, Jack pine 5L 90-110cm
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Hollow twist pedestal 745mm tall. Hand carved. POA, call the office
Hollow twist pedestal 745mm tall. Hand carved. POA, call the office
Pinus contorta chief joseph 10L 55-60x47cm
Pinus contorta chief joseph 10L 55-60x47cm
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Pinus contorta chief joseph 3L 65-70cm EXACT ITEM ADDITIONAL PHOTO
Pinus contorta chief joseph 3L 65-70cm EXACT ITEM ADDITIONAL PHOTO
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Hollow twist newel 195mm diameter. Hand carved. call the office
Hollow twist newel 195mm diameter. Hand carved. call the office
Pinus parviflora fuku-zu-mi 5L 40-45cm, measured on the slant
Pinus parviflora fuku-zu-mi 5L 40-45cm, measured on the slant
Pinus ponderosa penaz 40-50cm
Pinus ponderosa penaz 40-50cm
Pinus thunbergii banshosho 40L 100-110x110cm EXACT ITEM OFFER
Pinus thunbergii banshosho 40L 100-110x110cm EXACT ITEM OFFER
Pinus thunbergii banshosho 40L 110-120x105cm EXACT ITEM OFFER
Pinus thunbergii banshosho 40L 110-120x105cm EXACT ITEM OFFER
Wollemia nobilis 3L @25x60cm
Wollemia nobilis 3L @25x60cm
Abies cephalonica (Greek fir), P9 or larger, 30-35cm
Abies cephalonica (Greek fir), P9 or larger, 30-35cm
Pinus engelmannii, 7.5/10L, 40-50cm
Pinus engelmannii, 7.5/10L, 40-50cm
Quercus lucombeana, 5L 60-70cm
Quercus lucombeana, 5L 60-70cm
Picea abies acrocona 10L 70-80x70cm
Picea abies acrocona 10L 70-80x70cm
Picea wilsonii 15-25cm
Picea wilsonii 15-25cm
Pinus densiflora Burkes red variegated 10L 80-90x80cm
Pinus densiflora Burkes red variegated 10L 80-90x80cm
Pinus heldreichii white cloud 5L 40-45cm
Pinus heldreichii white cloud 5L 40-45cm
Pinus maximartinezii 50-60cm seedling
Pinus maximartinezii 50-60cm seedling
Davidia involucrata sonama, early flowering pocket handkerchief tree, 5L 20-30cm
Davidia involucrata sonama, early flowering pocket handkerchief tree, 5L 20-30cm
Rosa Darcey Bussell, 7L @100cm, now pruned back to main stem
Rosa Darcey Bussell, 7L @100cm, now pruned back to main stem
Taiwania cryptomeriodes 32-35cm
Taiwania cryptomeriodes 32-35cm
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