Picea Likiangensis, Lijang Spruce, USDA H8-hardy, gives red/purple cones initally maturing to pale brown
Picea likiangensis, as described in 1990 by by (Franchet) Ernst Georg Pritzel (1875–1948), in the 29th edition of Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie , is commonly known as Lijiang spruce; as well as 丽江云杉 (Lijiang yunshan) in the Chinese language. The species is named for the Lijiang mountain range, the "beautiful river," of southwestern China, where the type was first collected and studied. Despite being among the most ornamental of all spruces, it is not widely distributed in the nursery trade and likely to be found only in major arboretums. IUCN classification of the specie- vulnerable