Client list and references


Acorn Trees and Shrubs was born Nov 2005, and has now evolved to the single most diverse retail conifer collection in the UK. The scope of rare species and cultivars is now in excess of 2000no. Many of the items available are of exclusive supply in Britain and across Europe. Many of our clients are European collectors/institutions.

Much stock is propagated in house. There are seedlings to 45yr old specimens for sale that have been curated from other sources.

Alongside the nursery business, two arboreta are evolving at this site- one is a 2acre lawn arboretum of mixed younger and more mature specimens- predominantly for mother stock propagation. The second is a newer 19acre field arboretum started in 2019 with specimens up to 6metres tall. This new arboretum is intended to be a gift to the public, at the appropriate time.

The scale of stocks has increased dramatically in recent years. So much so at the beginning of 2020 a new 2acre field nursery was developed with full auto-irrigation.


Some of our better known clients are: 



The Ritz Hotel


Werner Erhard


Royal Army Medical Corps


Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment


The Hyatt Carlton Hotel


The Crown Estate


Dido Armstrong


Geri Halliwell


Gabby & Kenny Logan


Bruce Samson


The late Lady Lean

Viscountess Alison Duncannon

 Princess Abta, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Princess Naifa Alfayez, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


The Late Countess of Radnor

Olivia Cox-Fill Hoare


Princess Hussa Bandar


Lord Aldington


St. Brides Castle


The Eden project


Borde Hill Gardens


Moscow Botanical Gardens


Thomas Packenham

8th Earl of Longford

Rare trees


Zsolt Debreczy


Istevan Racz


International Dendrology Society (UK management)

Lord Heseltine

The National Trust

National Trust for Sotland


Exeter University

Royal Horticultural Society

Bedford Estate

Woburn Abbey

(Duke of Bedford)

Stratfield Saye Estate

(Duke and Duchess of Wellington)

Lionel de Rothschild

(at Exbury Estate)

HRH King Charles' Sandringham Estate


+44(0)1884 881633

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